Special Cancer Outreach and Awareness Programs

Cancer prevention and early detection outreach to all populations is an important part of the mission of the My Health Matters, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. As a Foundation we plan to be active in affected communities through our outreach programs promoting prevention and early detection. These outreach efforts include:

Community Grants program

To support local cancer awareness education and screening programs across the United States for all populations, especially underserved communities.


Plans to provide education and support for getting mammograms, My Health Matters program aims helps women to detect breast cancer early, when it is most treatable. This program provides assistance with transportation, funding and access to care.

Colorectal Cancer Awareness

Colorectal cancer is the most preventable cancer. Colorectal cancer often has no symptoms, so it is important to have your colon checked, starting at about age 50. If you have rectal bleeding, stomach cramps, weight loss, a change in bowel habits or are feeling tired, check with a doctor right away.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Program

Human Papillomavirus, or HPV, is the virus that causes cervical cancer. HPV is the most commonly transmitted sexual infection, and most people who become infected with HPV do not even know they have it. Our HPV Vaccine Program educates young girls and their parents about HPV and provides access to the vaccine.